Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today in History

1958 The first domestic passenger jet flight took place in the United States as a National Airlines Boeing 707 flew 111 passengers from New York City to Miami.

1964 The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize during ceremonies in Oslo, Norway.

1965 The Grateful Dead played their first concert, at the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco.

2007 Former Vice President Al Gore accepted the Nobel Peace Prize with a call for humanity to rise up against a looming climate crisis and stop waging war on the environment. Also on this day, Hell froze over. What joke.

2007 Suspended NFL star Michael Vick was sentenced by a federal judge in Richmond, Va., to 23 months in prison for bankrolling a dogfighting operation and killing dogs that underperformed. You know dog fighting is sick, but people commit murder and get no protests or anything

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