Sunday, December 21, 2008

Special Thanks

Special thanks to those who helped me out today even though they will never read this or know who I am. Today as I was driving home from work I came to the intersection of CR 32 and CR 15. As I was turning onto CR 32 I got stuck in a pile of snow left in the intersection by a county plow. About 5-10 guys stopped and got out of seperate cars all heading in differnt directions to get me out. The funny thing is we were unable to get the car out until everyone was left and I was left sitting there about to call a tow truck. I decided to give it one last try putting it is reverse then forward then back in reverse and back forward. Eventualy I was able to get out. What a day. So to all those who stopped to help when it was bellow zero this afternoon, thank you and God bless you all. I know 3 of them were students at NorthWood High School and at least one is on the track team (only know this because of the letter jacket).

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