Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Emma has taught me.

There have been alot of things that Emma has taught me. First of all would be patients. If you have seen Emma, you know why and I need to keep working on it.

Emma has also taught me the value of a good night sleep. Once again if you see the amount of energy she has you would know what I mean.

Emma loves school Buses. Jon, what is the deal with our kids liking buses. We live right next to the emelementry school and middle school here in town so we see buses all day. About the time Emma wakes up from her afternoon nap, the busses are going by and she gets so excited.

But probably the most remarkable thing I have seen in Emma is her desire to pray already. She is only 2 and she freaks out if we do not pray before a meal. You can not have a peaceful meal until after we pray. I am not sure how peaceful meals are with Emma but it seems to be a little better after we pray. She wont let you forget that is for sure. It is really cute.

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