Monday, November 10, 2008

We Need God in America Again

So I did something today that I don't usually do. As I was taking Emma to drop her off at her moms, I turned the radio onto WFRN. A station that I don't usually listen too. Anyways, The first song I hear is "We Need God in America Again." by Carman. Now I have been made fun in the past for listening to Carman, but I think there is alot of great things in this song. Sorry I could not find a copy of this video without Subtitles.

There is alot of crap in this country. As I go to work everyday, I am looking at teens who have done drugs, been abused, been molested, have charges against them, have anger issues, and been kicked out of school. These kids face judges in the courts and have seen the inside of a court room more times than I can even think about. I even deal with teens coming out of the closet. Why is all this happening, because God has been taken out of their lives by either their parents or by others. In many cases, the parents just don't care at all These kids do not know God. They have never been taught about God. Many of them know, and are ready, to go to Hell. They see no hope in that. It is truly sad. The only hope for alot of the kids that I work with is Jesus and that someone will show them who Jesus is. I just pray that they see Jesus through me and my actions. So if you would, pray that they do to.

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