Friday, November 28, 2008

New Experience

So tonight I dont have Emma, my family is still in Deleware seeing my sister over Thanksgiving weekend. So I have nothing to do. So I decided to take the laptop down to Nappanee and give the Main Street Coffee House a try. I have never been here so I thought I would give it a try. Plus they have free WiFi, which I found out earlier in the day that the neighbor that I get my WiFi signial from must be out of town because I cant get any kind of conection at home so I needed to go somewhere else. Anyways, it is nice and quiet here. I could do this more often when I have free time. But that is not the only new expereince I have had today.
I am not much of a coffee drinker. Cant really stand the stuff to be honest. But today I decided to try something new. So I got myself a Mocha. What have I been missing all of these days. It was awesome. (Can you beleive I worked at a coffee shop for a few months at one time and never tried a Mocha?) I cant beleive I only got a single. I might have to get another. What could be better on a free night? I got my Mocha and free WiFi. I can really get used to this!!! (however next time I will try to get a sofa to sit on) Maybe while I am here I can blog about something deep or profound. (probably not)

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