Sunday, January 4, 2009

I have kept my mouth shut long enough...

So it has been over a month since NorthWood head football coach Rich Dodson retired as the head football coach. So now, the fans here in Nappanee and Wakarusa have had enough time to moarn and get over it. Now it is my turn to speak my mind. First off, it is about time. I was never really a Dodson fan. I will bless you with the reasons why I think this is good for NorthWood as a whole.
1. Dodson had an attitude that NorthWood football was Holier than thou towards other sports at NorthWood. So much so that he would not allow any other sports at NorthWood, or the Captins Club at NorthWood use the logo on the fooball helmets to put on shirts or uniforms.
2. Recent Playoffs. Ok, so NW won state in 2005. Probably the team with the least amount of talent at NW in years. But what about the times we came up short with great tallent. Case and point, this years team. Why in the world did we give up on the passing game in the tournement this year again. esspecaily in semi-state when the star running back is injured. Makes no sense. The passing game worked great durring the regular season.
3. To Dodson, your name is everything. Dont have a popular name, forget playing.

There are my top three reason. Go ahead people, fire away. Let me know why I am wrong.

Bring on the new coach (Maybe bring back someone with the last name of Andrews?)


Jon said...

Oh, my friend where do I begin.

As a former player, assistant coach, braodcaster and big fan, and nephew of Coach Dodson, I really struggle to hold back about your thoughts so I will try.
1. If you can tell me where the football team logo came from, then maybe we could have a conversation about this. The logo is a football logo. The other teams have opportunity to develop their own. Football is something that Coach Dodson has given his knees, his heart, and life too. More so than any other coach in the history of NorthWood athletics. Like it or not NorthWood Football is what pays the way for other sports such as track and cross-country, wrestling, tennis and in the lean times basketball. NorthWood Football is the sports program at NorthWood. No Football no money for other sports.
As for Captains Club, that was originally a Football booster club. Coach Andrews, and for awhile Coach Dodson would review the film of Sunday morning before church. There were doughnuts and coffee and a little fundraising. This was never supposed to be a booster club for athletics. It was only after Coach Dodson decided not do it any more that it became the Captains Club you know.

2. I will not comment on your thoughts about coaching football, except for this when you have won even one game as a football coach at the high school level then we can continue.

3. As a former player and former assistant coach NEVER once did name mean a thing. It was never discussed or even mentioned. The decision on who played were my decisions, period. I question where you get information of this, I doubt it was from any one who was in any of those meetings. If name was so important, why didn't I play varsity until my senior year?

Mark. I think highly of you as a person. I question where you get your information. Because in my experience (30 years worth) around NorthWood football i find your information, false.

Mark Davidhizar said...

You would think all this. Got to think outside of the NorthWood Football to see all this. I will admit, espceially since high school, I was not a fan of Dodson. Maybe it reflects his teaching style when I had him in school(almost feel asleep everyday in his class) but is most deffenetly time for a change at NorthWood. Been a long time in coming. If people in NorthWood woudl open their eyes, Basketball is a way better sport than football anyways. Lets make basketball the more supported sport at NorthWood.

Mark Davidhizar said...

Maybe it is also bitterness of the pedistal that the football program is put on as well. Being in a sport that got very little recignition at NW from the school and athletic directors, it sucked to be over looked by the school in favor of the football team. Maked me wonder if NW had a top notch cross country or track team and the football program was the doormatt of the NLC what would happen. Something tells me, not much would change. You cant tell me you suprised by my coments. I believe I have mentioned them before to you