Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thank You Mr. President

As your terma as president comes to and end I would like to say, thank you Mr. Bush for the way that you served our country. I know you have been ripped on and mocked for the job that you did in office, but I would like to thank you for being the Christian President and the man of God that you showed the American People that you are.
Thank you for your leadership following 9/11. Your leadership and strength that you showed at the base of the wreckage of the WTC with the fire men and others was a great sight to see and gave this great country hope. Thank you for throwing out the first pitch in Yankee Stadium that cold day in late October to show the rest of the country once again that you were one of us and you are there to be our leader. That moment sent goose bumps all over my body.
Thank you for what you did for the Iraqi people. People my say it was the worst move in American history but I believe that if you ask the people over there that they are greatful for their new freedom and the ability to vote and not be afraid.
I would just like to say, desipite what people are going to say, you were not the worst president in the history of America. That title still belongs to President Jimmy Carter I believe.

Your fellow American
Mark Davidhizar

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