Sunday, January 4, 2009

Somethings Never Change

Last night I went over the the NorthWood/Northridge game at the NorthWood Holiday Tourney. One things has not changed since I can remember, the Northridge student section. As the game went on, the students just got worse and worse. The chants coming from the students were more attacks on NorthWood players than encouraging their own team. Usually they were attacking a certain player in the game. Also the chear "A rope, a tree, hang the referee" came out. Is that really appropreate? I would like to give the NorthWood students alot of credit for not doing the same. NorhtWood kept its integrity and continued to cheer on their team. So I say to the NorthWood students, thank you very much.

1 comment:

Tony C said...

I radio broadcast sports for my old high school, and I get tickled during basketball season listening to the student sections go at it (I can't really see or hear them from the press box during football games).

Most chants are old school, but I heard a new one this year that goes: (while pointing in unison) That's the winning team, that's the losing team, that's the referee. Winning team, losing team, referee, scoreboard ...then it's repeated and gets faster.

Of course, it's only funny if you're winning.

God bless.