Saturday, January 31, 2009

Today in History

1865, the House of Representatives passed a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery.
1865 Robert E. Lee was named general-in-chief of the Confederate armies.
1919 Baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson, who broke the sport's color barrier in 1947, was born in Cairo, Ga.
1958 The United States entered the Space Age with its first successful launch of a satellite into orbit, Explorer I.
1971 Astronauts Alan B. Shepard Jr., Edgar D. Mitchell and Stuart A. Roosa blasted off aboard Apollo 14 on the third successful manned mission to the moon.
1990 McDonald's Corp. opened its first fast-food restaurant in Moscow.
2000 An Alaska Airlines jet plunged into the ocean off Southern California on a flight from Mexico to San Francisco, killing all 88 people on board.

Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Random things about me

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to the "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the ap) then click publish.)
1. I want to be on Survivor or Amazing Race. I want to be on Survivor first. Maybe I will be so good on Survivor that they want me to be on Amazing Race. however if Amazing Race is still around in about 14-16 years, I would love to do it with Emma. Emma and I would dominate!!!
2. I have not missed a day of running since before my Freshmen year in 1996
3. I have run 4 marathons and am getting ready to run my 5th in Oragon on May 3rd.
4. I just became a home owner for the first time in November
5. I have the cutest daughter in the world.
6. I have been to 48 of the 50 states. I have never been to Alaska and Hawaii. However the only other country I have been to is Canada.
7. I have eaten Whale (really though to chew)
8. My favorite food is steak (medium rare)
9. Despite the bad season that Indiana is having right now, I am a huge supporter of Tom Crean
10. I am going to Fort Wayne on Wednesday for a Tony Dungy Book signing.
11. Durring my college years, I painted my bdy completly blue for every home Bethel Basketabll game.
12. I have loved every job that I have had that deals with teens. I have hated every job that I have had that did not deal with teens.
13. My favorite movie is Hoosiers
14. I was at the last Yankees/Red Sox game at Yankee Stadium ( i know alot of people already know about this but I love to brag about it)
15. I love all of Peyton Mannings commercials
16. I am really hating this cold weather.
17. I have 10 fish in my aquarium right now.
18. I love war movies
19. I would love to live in Colorado some day (this one will probably never happen)
20. I want to be a coach of my daughters teams (at least little league, before she gets into middle school)
21. If I had to live in any city, it would be Indianapoils
22. My dream job would be either a youth pastor or in camp ministry.
23. I hate Notre Dame
24. I love camping
25. Before I die I want to go sky diving

Today in History

1933 Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
1969 The Beatles performed as a group for the last time in public in a 45-minute gig on the roof of their Apple Records headquarters in London during the filming of "Let it Be."
1972 Thirteen Roman Catholic civil rights marchers were shot to death by British soldiers in Northern Ireland on what became known as "Bloody Sunday."
2000 - John Rocker (Atlanta Braves) was suspended from major league baseball for disparaging foreigners, homosexuals and minorities in an interview published by Sports Illustrated. Should he have said what he did, no. Should he have been suspended for it, I dont think so.
2000 - The New York Mets announced that Garth Brooks would begin training with the team on February 20.
2005 Iraqis voted in their country's first free election in a half-century. Mr. President, If you need a good reason for why we are in this war, this is it!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today in History

1900 The American League, consisting of eight baseball teams, was organized in Philadelphia.
1936 The first five members of baseball's Hall of Fame, including Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth, were named in Cooperstown, N.Y.
1998 A bomb exploded at an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Ala., killing an off-duty policeman and severely wounding a nurse. (The bomber, Eric Rudolph, was captured in May 2003 and is serving a life sentence.)
2002 In his first State of the Union address, President George W. Bush warned of "an axis of evil" consisting of North Korea, Iran and Iraq.
2004 A suicide bomber struck a bus in Jerusalem, killing 10 Israelis.
2006 ABC "World News Tonight" co-anchor Bob Woodruff and a cameraman were seriously injured in a roadside bombing in Iraq.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today in History

1904 - The University of Chicago awarded blankets with the letter C to all seniors that played football during the 1903 season. This event marked the beginning of the sports letter tradition
1973 A cease-fire officially went into effect in the Vietnam War.
1986, space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral, killing all seven crew members.

1999 Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, honoring a personal request for mercy from Pope John Paul II, spared a triple murderer from execution.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Today in History

Alright since no one gave me any good ideas on what to do for post number 100 I will do the same old same old and give you this day in History. Here we go...

1988 The Andrew Lloyd Webber musical "Phantom of the Opera," the longest-running show in Broadway history, opened at the Majestic Theater in New York.
1996 First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton testified before a grand jury connected to the Whitewater probe.
1998 President Bill Clinton denied having an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, telling reporters, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

And to think, people now consider him a good president
2001 An earthquake hit the Indian subcontinent, killing more than 13,000 people.
2003 - In Berlin, Lindsay Benko broke the 400 freestyle world record. She became the first to go under the four-minute mark (3 minutes, 59.53 seconds). This is my claim to faim here. I can actually say I was on a swimmteam with a world record holder and a gold medalist. Not that she would remember me but i think it is cool.
2005 Condoleezza Rice was sworn in as secretary of state.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today in History

1951 - Fidel Castro was ejected from a Winter League baseball game after hitting a batter. He later gave up baseball for politics.
1973, the Supreme Court handed down its Roe vs. Wade decision, which legalized abortion.
1998 Theodore Kaczynski pleaded guilty in Sacramento, Calif., to being the Unabomber in return for a sentence of life in prison without parole.
2001 President George W. Bush signed a memorandum reinstating full abortion restrictions on U.S. overseas aid.
2003 - Michael Jordan (Washington Wizards) became the third highest all-time scorer in the NBA.
2008 Actor Heath Ledger, 28, was found dead of an accidental prescription drug overdose in New York City.

A side not, the next post will be my 100th. Give me some sugestions on what that post should be about

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today in History

1861 Five Southerners resigned from the U.S. Senate, including Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, the future president of the Confederacy.
1977 President Jimmy Carter pardoned almost all Vietnam War draft evaders.
1990 - John McEnroe was disqualified and expelled for throwing a tantrum and using abusive language at an official while leading Mikael Pernfors in the Australian Open. He was the first person to be thrown out of a Grand Slam in 27 years. He was fined $6,500 and kicked out of the tournament.
1997 Speaker Newt Gingrich was fined as the House voted for first time in history to discipline its leader for ethical misconduct.
2003 The Census Bureau announced that Hispanics had surpassed blacks as America's largest minority group.
2004 The recording industry sued 532 computer users it said were illegally distributing songs over the Internet.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today in History

1892 - The first official basketball game was played by students at the Springfield, MA, YMCA Training School.
1968 - Houston ended UCLA's 47-game winning streak with a 71-69 victory at the Astrodome before 52,693 fans. The game also set a NCAA attendance record.
1981, Iran released 52 Americans held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan.
1985 - The most-watched Super Bowl game in history was seen by an estimated 115.9 million people. The San Francisco 49ers beat the Miami Dolphins, 38-16. Super Bowl XIX marked the first time that TV commercials sold for a million dollars a minute. Joe Montana was awarded his third MVP award.
1989 George H.W. Bush took the oath of office as the 41st U.S. president.
1999 - The NBA lockout officially ended after 204 days. i actually dont remember this one. Shows how much I dont care about the NBA.
2001 George W. Bush took the oath of office as the 43rd president of the United States.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Today in History

1937, millionaire Howard Hughes set a transcontinental air record by flying his monoplane from Los Angeles to Newark, N.J., in 7 hours, 28 minutes and 25 seconds
2001 In a deal sparing himself possible indictment, President Bill Clinton acknowledged for the first time making false statements under oath about Monica Lewinsky; he also surrendered his law license for five years.
2004 John Kerry won Iowa's Democratic presidential caucuses; Howard Dean, who finished third, delivered a fist-pumping, bellowing concession speech that was viewed as politically damaging. Lets take a look shall we?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Today in History

1984 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the private use of home video cassette recorders to tape TV programs did not violate federal copyright laws.
1997 - NBA suspends Dennis Rodman indefinitely/$25,000 for kicking cameraman
1998 President Bill Clinton became the first U.S. president to testify as a defendant in a criminal or civil suit when he answered questions from lawyers for Paula Jones, who had accused Clinton of sexual harassment.
2001 Faced with an electricity crisis, California used rolling blackouts to cut off power to hundreds of thousands of people.
2006 The Supreme Court protected Oregon's assisted-suicide law, ruling that doctors there who helped terminally ill patients die could not be arrested under federal drug laws.
2008 Bobby Fischer, the chess master who became a Cold War icon when he dethroned the Soviet Union's Boris Spassky as world champion in 1972, died at age 64.

Thank You Mr. President

As your terma as president comes to and end I would like to say, thank you Mr. Bush for the way that you served our country. I know you have been ripped on and mocked for the job that you did in office, but I would like to thank you for being the Christian President and the man of God that you showed the American People that you are.
Thank you for your leadership following 9/11. Your leadership and strength that you showed at the base of the wreckage of the WTC with the fire men and others was a great sight to see and gave this great country hope. Thank you for throwing out the first pitch in Yankee Stadium that cold day in late October to show the rest of the country once again that you were one of us and you are there to be our leader. That moment sent goose bumps all over my body.
Thank you for what you did for the Iraqi people. People my say it was the worst move in American history but I believe that if you ask the people over there that they are greatful for their new freedom and the ability to vote and not be afraid.
I would just like to say, desipite what people are going to say, you were not the worst president in the history of America. That title still belongs to President Jimmy Carter I believe.

Your fellow American
Mark Davidhizar

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Miracle in the Hudson

Today a jetliner carrying 155 people landed in the Hudson River in New York City. Amazingly, no one was killed and only one major injury reported, where a victim reveied 2 broken legs. The Pilots are given alot of credit for keeping cool and calm durring the event. However I beleive that God had his hand on the situation. I would say, great job to the pilot and the rescue personel. But praise God for his protection over the passengers and the pilots of that aircraft.

Today in History

1892 The rules of basketball were published for the first time, in Springfield, Mass.
1929 Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta.
1942 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave baseball the approval to play despite World War II. He encouraged night games so that war workers could attend.
1973 President Richard Nixon announced the suspension of all U.S. offensive action in North Vietnam, citing progress in peace negotiations.
1978 Serial killer Ted Bundy murdered two students in a sorority house at Florida State University in Tallahassee.
1978 - The Super Bowl was played indoors for the first time. The game was played at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. The Dallas Cowboys defeated the Denver Broncos 27-10.
1997 - Dennis Rodman (Chicago Bulls) kicked cameraman Eugene Amosin in the groin.
2004 The NASA Spirit rover rolled onto the surface of Mars.
2005 A military court at Fort Hood, Texas, sentenced Army Specialist Charles Graner Jr. to 10 years behind bars for physically and sexually mistreating Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why I will not watch American Idol tonight

So I was actally thinking about watching American Idol tonight. Well, not anymore. Why you may ask would I not watch one of the most popular shows on TV? The only time I have ever watched American Idol was to see the Auditions and see all the bad singers. I could care less about the good singers. I could care less about the actuall competition. I want to see those who are willing to go on tv, even though they know they cant sing and embarase themselves. It makes me feel better about myself and lack of singing ability. So thanks American Idol, you lost one viewer tonight. (I know, I am probably the only one with this oppinion but oh well)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Today in History

1906 - The forward pass was legalized by the football rules committee.
1991 a deeply divided Congress gave President George H.W. Bush the authority to use force to expel Iraq from Kuwait. (The Senate vote was 52-47; the House followed suit 250-183.)
1998 Linda Tripp provided Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office with taped conversations between herself and former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
1999 The baseball that Mark McGwire hit for his record-setting 70th home run of the 1998 season was sold at auction in New York for $3 million to an anonymous bidder.
2000 The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, gave police broad authority to stop and question people who run at the sight of an officer.
2005 Britain's Prince Harry apologized after a newspaper published a photograph of the young royal wearing a Nazi uniform to a costume party.
2006 A stamped broke out during the Islamic hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, killing 363 people.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Today I took Emma sledding for the first time. She loved it. The one time we "crashed" she started to cry because her mitten came off and her hand got cold. I figured that was the end of our day out there but then I asked her if she wanted to go down again. Still crying she just responded, "yeah." That was awsome. Other than the one time, she had a blast. Here of course are some pictures of the day.

Today in History

1973 Owners of American League baseball teams voted to adopt the designated-hitter rule.
1990 - Bobby Knight becomes basketball's Big 10 winningest coach (229)
1991 - Ric Flair wins NWA/WCW wrestling title (WOOO!!!)
2003 Calling the death penalty process "arbitrary and capricious, and therefore immoral," Illinois Gov. George Ryan commuted the sentences of 167 condemned inmates, clearing his state's death row two days before leaving office.
2006 A Georgian court convicted a man of trying to assassinate President George W. Bush and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in 2005 with a grenade in Tbilisi and sentenced him to life in prison.
2007 English soccer star David Beckham announced a five-year deal to play for the Los Angeles Galaxy.
2008 Former Olympic track gold medalist Marion Jones was sentenced to six months in prison for lying to investigators about using performance-enhancing drugs and her role in a check-fraud scam.
2008 Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to conquer Mount Everest, died at age 88.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Today in History

1945 - No one is elected to baseball's Hall of Fame
1946, the first General Assembly of the United Nations convened in London.This also began the most pointless organization in the world.
1964 The Beatles' first album in the United States, "Introducing the Beatles," was released.
1990 - NCAA approves random drug testing for college football players
2005 CBS issued a damning independent review of mistakes related to a "60 Minutes Wednesday" report on President George W. Bush's National Guard service and fired three news executives and a producer for their "myopic zeal" in rushing it to air.
2007 President George W. Bush announced he would send 21,500 additional U.S. forces to Iraq in an effort to quell violence there.

Friday, January 9, 2009

This day in History

1788 Connecticut became the fifth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.
1861 Mississippi seceded from the Union.
1958 - In basketball Oscar Robertson (Cin) scores 56, Seton Hall team 54
1962 - NFL prohibits grabbing of face masks
1967 - NFL New Orleans' franchise takes name "Saints"
1968, the Surveyor 7 space probe made a soft landing on the moon, marking the end of the American series of unmanned explorations of the lunar surface.
1991 - A special committee of Major League Baseball authorities officially banned Pete Rose from being elected into the Hall of Fame.
2005 - Randy Moss (Minnesota Vikings) pretended to pull down his pants and moon the Green Bay Packer crowd during a playoff win. On January 13 the NFL fined Moss $10,000 for the act.
2007 Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone.

Old Baseball Cards

i have kept all my baseball cards that I had collected as a kid and also have alot of the cards that my dad had growing up. But I wish I could have a card like this. Here is the story off of Yahoo. Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:50 pm EST

Woman finds 139-year-old baseball card in box of antiques
By 'Duk
The strange story goes like this: Last summer, Bernice Gallego pulled an old baseball card from a box of antiques. She figured it might be worth something to someone, so she listed it on eBay.

The starting bid was $10.

But after getting a flurry of inquiries about whether the card was authentic or not, Gallego started to suspect she was holding something a little more valuable and immediately ended the auction.

Turns out her hunch was correct. She did have something more valuable. The card she found was made in 1869 and featured the "Red Stocking B.B. Club of Cincinnati," the sport's first professional team. It's considered one of the first baseball cards ever produced and its actual value could be worth more than $100,000 when she puts it back on eBay (with a higher starting price, of course).

Of course, the news that she had found a rare piece of early baseball history came as a shock to the 72-year-old Fresno, Calif., resident who said she's never been to a baseball game. Her tale, from unwitting discovery to learning about the card's history, is wonderfully captured by our old pal Mike Osegueda of the Fresno Bee. Click here to read it.

From the Fresno Bee:

"When I came to meet her and she took it out of a sandwich Baggie and she was smoking a cigarette, I almost fainted," (collector Rick) Mirigian says.

"They've uncovered a piece of history that few people will ever be able to imagine or comprehend. And it comes out of Fresno," he says. "That card is history. It's like unearthing a Mona Lisa or a Picasso."

Gallego said she doesn't know exactly where the box of antiques came from since she and her husband are collectors and frequently buy lots from different estates around California. She does have a history of being lucky, though, having once won $250,000 on a slot machine.

(And with that, I'm off to see what I can find in my basement.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

News of the Weired, Animals

Mule Credited With Saving Woman in Fire
Lou the mule is being hailed as a hero for saving the life of his owner in McMinnville, Tenn. Jolene Solomon, 63, says she stepped outside her home on New Year's Day to see why Lou was braying and saw that her house was in flames. It burned to the ground, but she and Lou are safe.

Talk about avoiding a "cat"-astrophe! In an unusual operation Dec. 9, Boston veterinarians reattached Edgar the cat's face after the feline was severely injured in an accident. The feline crawled under the hood of a car, and was likely mangled by the fan belt. The kitty should be fine.

Who was hunting who? When Randy Goodman went hunting in Sedalia, Mo., in November, he shot a deer twice. But when he got close, the buck attacked him with its antlers and hooves, knocking him to the ground. Goodman shot and permanently killed the 240-pound animal as it was running away.

Today in History

1789 The first U.S. presidential election was held. Americans voted for electors who, a month later, chose George Washington to be the nation's first president.
1942 The World War II siege of Bataan began.
1996 A major blizzard paralyzed the eastern United States, claiming more than 100 lives.
1997 Newt Gingrich became the first Republican re-elected House speaker in 68 years.
1999 President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial began in the Senate. (He was later acquited on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice.)
2006 American journalist Jill Carroll was abducted in Iraq and a translator was killed. (She was released unharmed after 82 days.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Today in History

1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in his State of the Union address, outlined a goal of "Four Freedoms" for the world: freedom of speech and expression, the freedom of people to worship God in their own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
1942 The Pan American Airways Pacific Clipper arrived in New York after making the first round-the-world trip by a commercial airplane.
1994 Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed on the right leg by an assailant in Detroit. Four men, including the ex-husband of Kerrigan's rival, Tonya Harding, were later sentenced to prison.
1995 - Atlanta Hawks' Lenny Wilkens becomes NBA's winningest coach
2001 With the vanquished Vice President Al Gore presiding, Congress certified Republican George W. Bush the winner of the close and bitterly contested 2000 presidential election.
2005 Former Ku Klux Klan leader Edgar Ray Killen was arrested 41 years after three civil rights workers were slain in Mississippi. (Killen was later convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 60 years in prison.)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Today in Histor

1914, Henry Ford, head of the Ford Motor Company, introduced a minimum wage scale of $5 per day.
1920 - Boston Red Sox sell Babe Ruth to NY Yankees
1927 - A three-day public hearing began on the charges that four games played between Chicago and Detroit on September 2 and 3 of 1917 had been thrown.
1934 - Both the National and American baseball leagues decided to use a uniform-size baseball. It was the first time in 33 years that both leagues used the same size ball.
1957 - Dodgers' Jackie Robinson retires rather than be traded to NY Giants
1972 President Richard Nixon ordered development of the space shuttle.
1993 - Mike Ditka was fired as coach of the Chicago Bears. Never understood this move.
1998 Sonny Bono, the pop singer-turned-politician, was killed when he struck a tree while skiing in South Lake Tahoe, Calif., at age 62.
2004 After 14 years of denials, Pete Rose publicly admitted that he'd bet on baseball while manager of the Cincinnati Reds.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Today in History

1994 The 104th Congress convened, the first entirely under Republican control since the Eisenhower era; Newt Gingrich was elected speaker of the House. Those were the good old days
1999 Former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura was sworn in as governor of Minnesota.
2006 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke and his powers were transferred to his deputy, Ehud Olmert.

Somethings Never Change

Last night I went over the the NorthWood/Northridge game at the NorthWood Holiday Tourney. One things has not changed since I can remember, the Northridge student section. As the game went on, the students just got worse and worse. The chants coming from the students were more attacks on NorthWood players than encouraging their own team. Usually they were attacking a certain player in the game. Also the chear "A rope, a tree, hang the referee" came out. Is that really appropreate? I would like to give the NorthWood students alot of credit for not doing the same. NorhtWood kept its integrity and continued to cheer on their team. So I say to the NorthWood students, thank you very much.

I have kept my mouth shut long enough...

So it has been over a month since NorthWood head football coach Rich Dodson retired as the head football coach. So now, the fans here in Nappanee and Wakarusa have had enough time to moarn and get over it. Now it is my turn to speak my mind. First off, it is about time. I was never really a Dodson fan. I will bless you with the reasons why I think this is good for NorthWood as a whole.
1. Dodson had an attitude that NorthWood football was Holier than thou towards other sports at NorthWood. So much so that he would not allow any other sports at NorthWood, or the Captins Club at NorthWood use the logo on the fooball helmets to put on shirts or uniforms.
2. Recent Playoffs. Ok, so NW won state in 2005. Probably the team with the least amount of talent at NW in years. But what about the times we came up short with great tallent. Case and point, this years team. Why in the world did we give up on the passing game in the tournement this year again. esspecaily in semi-state when the star running back is injured. Makes no sense. The passing game worked great durring the regular season.
3. To Dodson, your name is everything. Dont have a popular name, forget playing.

There are my top three reason. Go ahead people, fire away. Let me know why I am wrong.

Bring on the new coach (Maybe bring back someone with the last name of Andrews?)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today in History

1920 The New York Yankees acquired Babe Ruth and so began the "curse of the Bambino" that haunted the Boston Red Sox until 2004.
1959, President Eisenhower signed a proclamation admitting Alaska to the Union as the 49th state.
1987Aretha Franklin became the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
2000 The last new daily "Peanuts" comic strip by Charles Schulz ran in 2,600 newspapers.
2004 NASA's Mars rover, Spirit, touched down on the red planet.

Friday, January 2, 2009

News of the Weired or Just Dumb People

Muoi Van Nguyen, 31, was arrested in Spokane Valley, Wash., in November, charged with breaking a window with a hammer at a state liquor store and grabbing a bottle of wine valued at $9. Earlier, Van Nguyen had tried unsuccessfully to break the window with a rock, but decided he needed a hammer to do the job and went to a nearby store, where he purchased one for $11.

In 1983, convicted South Carolina murderer Michael Godwin, then 22, succeeded in getting an appeals court to reduce his death-by-electric-chair sentence to one of life in prison at the Central Correctional Institution in Columbia, S.C. Six years later, in March 1989, while sitting naked on a metal toilet and attempting to fix earphones that were connected to a television set, Godwin bit into a wire and was electrocuted.

Last words of a Texas trucker
He was about to unload his haul of heavy pipes and started to loosen the safety straps, and a guy said, Better wait for the crane to do that. And the trucker said, “Don’t worry. I’ve got it.” Then a 4-ton pipe rolled off the truck.

A Michigan mom gives birth to twin boys -- one in 2008 and the other in 2009. The first baby arrives shortly before midnight on New Year's Eve, while his brother makes his debut minutes into the new year.

2 Videos for the price of one

They say they have no idea where all these shoes came from but they were all on a Miami freeway. Wonder if there are any in my size or Emma's size. The Highway department has said they will donate the shoes to local charities.

This one is called Wii Scream. It has already had over 100,000 hits on Youtube. I would be like this if I got one for Christmas as well

Today in History

1974 President Richard Nixon signed legislation requiring states to limit highway speeds to 55 mph.
2006 A methane gas explosion at the Sago Mine in West Virginia trapped 13 miners underground for more than 40 hours; Randal McCloy Jr. was the only survivor.
2008 Oil prices soared to $100 a barrel for the first time.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Today in History

1808 A law prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States went into effect.
1863 President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that slaves in rebel states were free.
1992 - The ESPN Radio Network was officially launched. Thank You Very Much ESPN!!!
1993 Czechos lovakia peacefully split into two new countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
1994 The North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect.
1998 An anti-smoking law went into effect in California, prohibiting people from lighting up in bars.
1999 The euro became the official currency of 11 European countries. When will it become the currency of the US? Probably in the next 4-8 years.
2008 No-smoking rules went into effect in France, prohibiting people from lighting up in cafes, bars and restaurants.