Monday, February 2, 2009

What a complement

With my job comes alot of stress and complaining from the kids along with every cuss word in the book. This week, in my pay check, just like any other paycheck, was the staffs by-weekly news letter. The news letter basically consists of information staff needs to hear about of course as well as a section that we call "High Fives." High Fives are ways for others to tell staff that they are doing a good job. Usually this is staff giving staff complements. Well in this news letter, there was one for me, not the first, but the first one like this. This one was from one of my residents who wrote one for every staff member. I thought this was cool since this is a resident who I have put alot of time into and I feel has a strong chance to make it in life. This is what is said. "Hey, man, you are a great help and friend. I hope everything goes well with your life. Your daughter is lucky to have a great dad that cares." The last sentence is what got me the most. I think I will be hanging onto this newsletter as inpriration.

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