Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fight at a High School basketball game

Of all the people to have a fight at a basketball game, this takes the cake.
The scorekeepers for archrival Lexington and Watertown basketball teams have been ordered to court after trading a splash of water and a punch during a big league game, according to police.

Watertown Police reviewed a cable TV video of Monday night's Middlesex League clash and said it shows an argument start between the two scorekeepers.

"The Watertown scorekeeper then removes a cap from his water bottle and tosses water on the Lexington scorekeeper," according to a press release from Watertown Police Lt. Michael Lawn. "The Lexington scorekeeper immediately retaliates by punching the Watertown scorekeeper in the head."

Both scorekeepers will be summonsed to Waltham District Court for a show-cause hearing for assault and battery charges, Lawn said.

The fracas started with 5:26 left in the game, which Lexington won, 65-57.

Police did not say what set off the sideline clash, but among the varying accounts from witnesses, the most common version is that the two scorekeepers had been arguing throughout the game about the number of fouls a Lexington player had called against him.

As the game wound down, the Watertown scorekeeper allegedly sprayed water on the Lexington scorekeeper. The Lexington scorekeeper then punched the Watertown scorekeeper in the face, hitting his eyeglasses and opening a cut above his left eye.

Watertown Police and Watertown High administrators rushed to the scorers' table and quickly escorted the Lexington scorekeeper out of the building.

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