Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tony Dungy

Today, Emma and I made a little bit of a road trip to go see Tony Dungy in Fort Wayne. Here is a summary of the trip:
11:15- Left home after receiving a phone call from Duane Reinhardt saying that his daughter Heather, who works at the Fort Wayne Family Christian Store that people were already getting in line. This put some urgency in me and we left earlier than planned.
11:30- McDonalds Drive through
11:45- Drove through Warsaw and was already sick of hearing the same song over and over again because of Emmas requests (Baby Bumblebee). I want to kill that stupid bee.
12:45- Arrived at Family Christian store in Fort Wayne. This was a bad sign. Didnt really have much of a plan for what Emma could do for 2 hours and 15 minutes while wating. However she did wake up after only a 30 minute nap so I thought she might go back to sleep. Read on.
12:47- walked through the door and found Heather Reinhardt, who had pre-bought a copy of Tony Dungy's new book for me which gaurenteed that I would get it signed today.
12:49- Got in line. At least we were indoors and not waiting in the cold.
12:50- sitting on the floor, Emma still out of it and I thought she might go back to sleep.
1:00- No such luck, Emma is board already and the book I brought in for here is not working the way I would have liked it too.
1:15- walked around the store with Emma a little bit. Found a Veggie Tales puzzle to buy Emma to keep her entertained. $5 well spent
1:20- start working on the Puzzle with Emma.
2:00 Emma is sick of the Puzzle after completing it about 10 times at least.
2:15- Emma hasnt had anythign to drink since we arrived. Didnt really have anythign for her so made a quick walk to Wal-Mart to get some juice. Everytime I left the line the people were really nice and kept my place in line for me. Probably because of my adorable daughter.
2:25 arrive back at the store, get back in line
2:40- Emma has just about had it. She is ready to be done with all this. One last walk around the store.
3:05 Tony Dungy arives, the line starts moving.
3:15- A woman in line comments to me: "You sure do have alot of patients for that little girl of yours." yes I do, and thank you Lord for patients.
3:25- Tony Dungy Signs my book, and I shook his hand.
3:30- we pull out of the parking lot to head home.
4:30- Emma is still awake, and I hear these words: "Emma make big poopy." And yes it was a big poopy. Maybe too much apple juice. Opps.
5:00 arrive home. ready to rest. But nope, I had to run and get ready for church.

There is the road trip in a nutshell
Here are some pictures of the trip.

the Puzzle I bought. Money well spent

The long line outside, that we didnt have to wait in.

Tony himself

Moving in for the hand shake. Yes, he did shake my hand

The signed book

1 comment:

leeann.davidhizar said...

Just could have been the Mickey song that you had to listen to over and over. Might be worse than the Baby Bumblebee song. And you do have the most adorable daughter and tons of patience with her. Glad you had a good trip!