Friday, May 1, 2009

Eugene Weekend Begins Now!!!

The Weekend that I have been preparing for for 6 months is finally here, It is time to fly out to Eugene, OR to run in my 5th marathon. But this one is differnt than the others I have ran. Manily because this one is at the Track capital of the world, the Univeristy of Oregon. It is now 4:29 am on Friday and I am sitting in the Indianapolis Airport waiting to board a 6:00 am flight that will take me from here to Phoenix to Portland where I will meet my high school friend and teamate Aaron Hoover who is flying from Denver.
I wish I could say I am ready but that is not really the case. i have now recovered from about 2 months of shin pain that really set my training back.Throughout the weekend I will be blogging on the expereince and tell you later how you can follow my progress throughout the race on Sunday. Till then, have a great weekend

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