Monday, April 13, 2009

Cubs vs. Brewers

What better way to celebrate Easter Sunday than by going to a Cubs/Brewers. This was my first time watching a game at Miller Park. It was also the first time that I have seen a game indoors. First off, just because a game is indoors, doesnt mean that you will stay warm. Where are seats were located, it was very cold.

Also, who in the world picked the seat location for the stadium? We were right next to the slide that Bernie the Brewer slides down on after a Brewers Home Run. This slide blocked out the hole right field and center field from view. We were unable to see two huge plays in the game. The first being the lead off home run by Cubs outfielder Alfanso Soriano, we were not able to see where the ball landed in behind the center field wall. The second was that we were unable to see this play in right field:
Durring the game I am getting messages saying that it was the greatest catch people had seen and that I was lucky t be there. All I could say is i couldnt see it. Heres why:

But this view isnt so bad:

Also for being known for its Sauseage Race and haveing good tasting sausages, their Brats were not that good at the ball park. I was disapointed to say the least.

But over all, it was a great time with 5 other guys from my church. We had a great time and great discussions on the way to the game and durring the game (I said great discussions, not in-depth). Where else besides church can you get friends ranging in age from a high school junior to Empty nest fathers to go to a ball game together? Not only that, but I also got to knock another park off my list of ball park to visit. It wasnt Wrigley Field (although Cub fans do like to call it Wrigley North), but I would go back up there again without hesitation. After all, the Cubs did win the game. And nothing beats singing "Go Cubs Go" and holding up the W flag after a Cubs win especially at a rivals stadium!!! (By the way, who cares about getting back home at 4:15 am and having to work at 6:00?)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This day in History

1930 - Leo Hartnett of the Chicago Cubs broke the altitude record for a catch by catching a baseball dropped from the Goodyear blimp 800 feet over Los Angeles, CA.
1970 President Richard Nixon signed a measure banning cigarette advertising on radio and TV.
1933 Nazi Germany began persecuting Jews with a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses.
1996 Baseball umpire John McSherry died after collapsing during a game between the Cincinnati Reds and Montreal Expos.
1999 A New Jersey man was arrested and charged with originating the "Melissa" e-mail virus, which infected more than 1 million computers worldwide.
2003 American troops rescued Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch from a hospital in Nasiriyah, Iraq, where she had been held prisoner since her unit was ambushed nine days earlier.
2008 The Pentagon made public a legal memo dated March 14, 2003, that approved the use of harsh interrogation techniques against terror suspects, saying that President George W. Bush's wartime authority trumped any international ban on torture

The 5/3 Burger

The West Michigan Whitecaps baseball team have come up with a new Burger, the 5/3 Burger (named after their ball park, 5/3 Field). THe burger is made up of five-thirds of a pound of grilled hamburger topped with lettuce, tomatoes, nacho cheese, chili, salsa and crunched corn chips. Holding it all together is an eight-inch sesame seed bun. The burger costs $20, and can be cut into fourths and served as a family meal. Here are the important stats: 4489 Calories. And you also get a free shirt with it if you finish it by yourself. YOu start by needing a medium shirt and by the time you finish it you need and XXL.

Obama Gives The Queen and IPod

Well, Obama has done it again. Another lame gift to Britan Royalty. This time he gies the queen and IPod as a gift with video of her 2007 trip to the United States. First off, I think he probably already has video of her trip. A woman of her power I am sure has someone taking care of that I am sure. Also, she already has an IPod. Someone is dropping the ball in the White House when selecting these gifts. First, DVD's that cant even be viewd over in Brittan then and IPod to the queen who already has one. How does the IPod represent America, it isnt made here!!! As my mom said, the IPod is nothing you cant buy in any store. Jumbo Jelly Beans from the Wakarusa Dime Store would be a mone eunique gift than an IPod.
But they again, the Queens gift wasnt much better. The Queen gave a sterling silver framed picture autographed by the Royal Family. What do you do with that?